
Sun Skaple Cream With Anti Oxident 60SPF

Original price was: ₨ 1,499.Current price is: ₨ 999.

Sun Block Cream Anti Oxident Takes Care of sunburn Sun Damage and premature Ageing of skin


  • Benzophenne-3
  • Titanium Dioxide
  • Zinc Oxide
  • Parsol
  • Methoozyccinnamate
  • Tocopheryl acatate





For the Protection of skin against solar radiation and its harmful effects such as erythema, suntan, sunburn, prematur ageing of the skin, skin reactions, it aslo prevents freckles, melasma, lentigenes, elastosis and undue skink darkening. in addition, it reduces the risk of skin cancer as well.

Direction for Use:

Apply Liberally to all exposed skin 30 minutes befere sun exposure. Re- Apply  after swimming and excessive sweating.

Properties and Actioon:

The Chemical sunscreens absorb light throughout the UVB and UVA (wave length of 400NM and some UVC light 290 NM) as well as IR and protect skin against their harmful effects while the opaque and refiect /scatter most UV radiatioon.


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